Friday, December 9, 2011

I return like the Phoenix from my own ashes!

Not so much but I have some things to share with ya! As you all know the show "the Patriotcast" is done for no more Andy Blyth shows for now. :(
But for better or for worse now I will have my own show called "Don't Have Game Podcast" 
Now to something more fun! There is a PS2 game called Drakengard (watch video above) wich I played a while ago and never got to finish. I remember liking it a lot and never being able to find it again( I had rented it the first time at a video store, remember those... ahhh the old days... this parenthesis turned a little too long) anyway; this game came to my head today while I was having a Skyrim conversation with my manager. I said i'd like to play it before the hype is over and he said "you dont like those kinds of games!" How does he know what I like is a mystery to me. So as you see now I have to play two games wich I think I'm going to love! Will you be playing them?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The future of gaming is in the Clouds!

Just found this piece on, I pretty much agree with the article. I also would like to add that in the future, gaming will not require you to have a super machine to play the latest titles. Onlive already offers such services in which you can log into their servers and play in any computer no matter how weak. See now a days fans of well established consoles usually get into fights over which one is better. They call each other "fanboys" and even worse names. The truth is this things never last for long, as an adaptive species we do what we do better; we move on.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

PS4 might be ready next year!

Bitmob has posted a Story in which they reluctantly assure that a good source said PS4 is coming in  18 months. Now they go on and explain how come this might be a bit of a stretch but they still say the source "remains convinced for excellent reasons, and I trust that conviction."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Vita will be delayed, I will be pissed!

   Sort of late news, everyone knows now that Sony is delaying the release of their next portable console in America and Europe. Those are the most valuable markets outside of Asia. If Sony really misses this golden opportunity of destroying the Nintendo 3DS during the Holiday season, the Vita will not be a success story. Apple already has an increasing hold on portable gaming with new more powerful devises just flying off the sales counters.  
Kazuo Hirai has this to say: "The PlayStation business is a key pillar,”  If you really meant that Mr Hirai why are you demolishing your key pillar by making bad business decisions?
  “The video-game industry is evolving constantly. My expectation is for the PlayStation business to remain at the forefront of this very dynamic industry.” If this is true why aren't you Mr Hirai doing something to deliver faster results? Why hasn't the Playstation brand evolved in all this time?  Are Sony's higher-ups so bad at their job that they can't see reality even if it hit them in the face? If I was a Sony board member I'd be going insane! (Mr Hirai please collect your things. Yo fired!) 
 I can not stand it anymore, some say(Jordan Wyatt) I like to make excuses  for Sony; that I'm a fanboy. Well I am, I have always liked Sony. The Original Playstation is to me one of the best consoles ever, I loved the PS2 and I could not believe how cool the PS3 was. I even bought the latter because it had a BlueRay player built in, which at the moment everyone thought was crazy. But me, I believed in everything it is. I just hope for my fandom that Sony gtes it together soon. Or there is always Apple to root for.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PSN pass announcement.

This story from PSX gives rumors of a PSN pass confirmation of its existence and that Sony will implement it on the new Resistance game. I like checking the comments from people, a lot of them seem to think they are going to be gauged.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rated "V for Violent"

Well by this time everybody knows it is legal in California to sell Violent Video Games to minors, just like music , movies, and books. The law which used to prohibit minors to go into their favorite game joint to buy a violent game; was struck down by the supreme court last week. The issue was raised a while ago and it went all the way to the Supreme Court. In this article from  2010 several of the points of view were raised.
My personal opinion is that of course there is a restriction matter and we should be aware of what is being done to enforce it. Parents are the very first defense line in this case, no minor could buy a video game by themselves if they don't work for it. Since money is involved it had to come from somewhere and how is it being spent should also be a concern of the parents. If these principles are enforced since a very young age parents would have nothing to fear.
Blaming game developers for the content is just an excuse from people not wanting to be responsible of their own actions. Blaming retailers for selling a product they are meant to sell is just contradictory. There is a parental advisory on the packaging already which is pretty standard in all entertainment media. In video games the rating is pretty elaborate an it goes from "E for everyone" to "M for mature" and it was put in place by a gaming company called SEGA after they were criticized for releasing Mortal Kombat with a secret code that let you see "all the good stuff".
In the end its hard for families that both parents work to have an eye 100% of the time on the kids and what they are doing; but households should always have certain rules that must be respected by "E".   

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How come no posts?

If you are one of the few people reading my blog, you might have noticed I didn't post anything during E3. This is because I have been busy with The Patriotcast Show and I'm taking a short break from writing but I plan to update the blog as much as I can.
In the meantime I want to give you a round up of what E3 left me with this year. One of the things that I noticed was that many companies want to bring sequels to their most famous ip's. Not that this is bad but I felt that it was needed to bring new ip's to get people curious. For example Konami's new game "Neverdead" has things that factor in getting people interested. For me the fact that you can dismember yourself and take control of your body parts separately makes this game very interesting.
The big guns, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo didn't shine as much as they could have. Microsoft basically just came out and said "hey look at us, we are NOT Sony!". Sony came out to say "We live!!! We got Vita!!!(get it?) "We are so sorry we don't know how to take care of your info!".  Nintendo... ah god dam it Nintendo... Why do you have to make everything extremely Japanese...
Overall to me E3 was a good experience this year because it is my first time officially covering the event, recording daily shows with friends over skype and meeting our correspondent Toby Edwards from Zath UK, in person.
To all of you thanks for reading and always remember, Tell a Friend!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Contra game could be the remake we always wanted!

This video suggests that the classic Contra of our youths might be in the making. The video ends showing a very familiar image for Contra fans, with the subtitle "they are coming". This is one the videos that promises E3 will be an awesome event this year!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

PS Store back up!

PLAYSTATIONS STORE UP NOW!!! I just received a tweet and what do you know? PS store came back up today I KNEW IT that last "maintenance" was just another step forward!

I feel touched... in a good way!

Hello everyone I was just checking the stats of this minuscule games blog. I see that in the small time that I have doing this, many people viewed my posts. I don't know who you are, I assume many of you got directed here from hearing me in "The Patriotcast". I have to say thanks to all of you, this moment inspires me to keep on doing what I like to call a passion. I loved video games from the moment I turned on an Atari console back in the 80's. I love it now and I'm guessing I'll love it until I die. So if you like what you read or you don't like it, stop by the comments and leave me a message please. I hope you keep on visiting, thanks again!

Monday, May 30, 2011

PS4? Thats a BS name.

     Several websites and the same Sony Corp, are talking about the next Playstation "PS4"? (Ugh! I don't like that name) Whats up with Sony and their console names? PS, PS2,PS3?; PSP,NGP/PSP2? There is no originality there. Why cant console makers give them better names?
Sony Naming committee meeting:
Man- We have a new console coming out? What should we call it?

Other dude- which one is this one the third? Fourth? I got an idea "PS4"!

Man- Awesome meeting adjourned lets go to lunch!

Thats why I like when companies like Nintendo come out with names like "Wii" or Microsoft wit "XboX" it sounds cool and catchy, car companies do it all the time even when they release cars in different territories they change the names from territory to territory. Even Ikea has different names for all their furniture. I think we deserve better names for the game consoles we pay for. Game companies should keep that in mind for their next gen consoles.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

NGP rumored to be "scaled down"

According to multiple reports the NGP will be scaled down. The only problem is that they all cite the same source 01net. The site apparently has gotten rumors correct in the past, but at this point a rumor is only a rumor. The scaled down version of the NGP will cut down on several important features.

  • The RAM will be halved to 256MB instead of the official 512MB.
  • VRAM will be at128MB.
  • The OS is reported to be scaled down but i didn't find how so.
  • They did opened up an extra 26MB for data that require quick access.
  • Apparently the planned 16GB flash will not be featured but instead they plan to use removable memory cards (SD, Stick Duo) with anti piracy security features.
Sony had said from the start they would offer two versions of the portable, one with 3G and one without it. Could it be that this was the plan from the beginning?  Is Sony going to offer a "cheap-o" version? or is it going to be the norm? For a company that seems to cut back on features of their products it is very possible. The technology exists but its pricey, gamers have been very vocal from the start; they are not likely to buy a portable that's worth $350. Sony might just be making a fatal mistake, this change makes the NGP less competitive. It puts it on a more leveled field with the Nintendo 3DS wich can be fatal for the NGP.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

PSP on PS3?

Sony wants to put your favorite titles..? er, of PSP? on PS3??? What the hell is going on here? Oh well, according to Kotaku; electronics giant Sony says it wants to revamp its library of PSP games for PS3 which includes HD graphics, controller support, 3D, Extra features and other details.they gave it the name "PlayStation Portable Remaster Series". So far they announced that  MonHun (Monster Hunter) will be the first game to be revamped, and most likely another best seller, MGS Peace Walker will receive the "Remaster" treatment.
One concern is the already confirmed theory that Sony will not provide trophy support. This doesn't concern me since I do not seek to earn all possible trophies even though its nice to see when you earn one.

Rising game without English voices

Just saw this post on The Escapist (article) . The Piece says that at least two of the main characters of the Metal Gear Solid series are uncertain of their participation Rising. Voice actors David Hayter and Quinton Flynn have not been contacted by Kojima Productions.
This makes me wonder if the game will be pushed even farther for release. if that were the case the MGS fans will be pissed since the game has already pushed... once? In any case Flynn says he would be angry if they don't use him as the voice for the main character.  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

PSN back soon!

PSN back up soon Check it out . This blog update came out on 5/14 just about an hour after we recorded The Patriotcast episode for this week and we were debating about the PSN! Funny, anyway remember to change your passwords and be safe!

Monday, May 9, 2011

For some free is crappy.

In lieu of the Sony PSN outage I read this article and the response by tezcatlipoca84

"Some of the types of replies I've seen on websites in relation to this are hilarious: 

There's the usual angry guy, complaining that he's owed so much by Sony for the PSN being down that they post in a threatening manner, with something along the lines of - "YEAH SONY YOU BETTER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS MORE FASTER THAN YOU ARE BECAUSE I'LL MAKE YOU ALL SUFFER IF YOU DON'T CUZ I'M A REAL BADASS I'M LIKE 8 FEET TALL AND I HAVE BIG MUSCLES TO CRUSH YOU WITH!! JUST LOOK AT MY K/D RATIO ON BLACK OPS YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH FAGS!!!!"


And people who generally just want to complain about it by making accusations they don't actually fully understand due to the baselessness of them - "GETTING THE PSN BACK UP AND RUNNING WITH SECURITY BEING A HIGHER PRIORITY ISN'T DIFFICULT, IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE SITTING AROUND DOING NOTHING CUZ THEY'RE LAZY IT DOESN'T TAKE THIS LONG SERIOUSLY!!!"

These posts genuinely make me laugh. I hope there are many, MANY more of them"

I mean this really captures almost everyone who posts in this threads  except they left guys like Me out, the guys who is just not too worried or raging because of  such a silly little thing. the guys that goes a little like this: "Meh! I dont really mind that PSN is offline, frankly I hate all those little jerks talking smack over the game action telling me they are going to come over and rape me with my own arms. Sometimes I wonder, why do I play with these people? Then I lower the voice volume on my headset  all the way down and actually enjoy the game play. I actually like playing games for the Story value and not just because it's the latest FPS. I've been playing Lego Star Wars III with my wife and  its actually fun playing with someone that is in the same room with you, every time we clear a stage we high-five each other and we utter the always obligatory "booyah!"  I actually enjoy this, what you call it? Ah yes , HUMAN INTERACTION. So fellow gamers please unplug yo'selves and enjoy a friend's company get a game that says 1-8 players or whatever just enjoy the miracle that is being toghether in this blue sphere floating through space. Love your fellow man!"   

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sony's second chance

Not to sound like a Sony Fanboy but how come we are just focusing our energy on criticizing Sony? They are victims of these attacks as much as we the consumer are, they did not asked for this to happen. I understand that their decisions to protect their PROPRIETARY software might not be popular with Jailbreakers and Software Pirates. However it is not Sony's fault.

Let me paint you a picture lets say you have a home, in that home there is a safe containing all your money. You live a regular life in a suburban neighborhood. One day while you are at work thieve breaks in, they crack a window open and they take as many things as they can carry including your safe. Now who would you blame in this situation? The home owner or The thieves? I don't see it any different than this. To me Sony cannot be blamed because they did not seek for hackers to break into their house to steal as much as they could.

I have had a PS3 for about 3 years now and I dont feel Sony owes me much more than what they are willing to provide. Sony has given us a free service that we all have taken huge advantage off with hours of play I mean its ridiculous how many hours I have spent playing MGO or COD on line being schooled by a bunch of thirteen year olds who I consider to sound pretty annoying and I still want to play more!

Lets get off Sony's back just a little bit, the service is free, the playtime is good and you dont have to use your CC info or your real info for that matter.I've learned my lesson not to give my CC info on line anymore. We all have to take responsibility for our own actions. I believe a lot of the players just want to justify not being responsible and cautious for their actions, and put all the blame on Sony. Lets all give them our support, and lets give them a second chance.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A little about Javier

Hello to start this blog I just want to fill you in a little on who I am and why am I here.
Like you all know my name is Javier and i was born in a magical land called Costa Rica. Let me tell you all something, Costa Rica is a place that many people associate with the rainforest . But actually there is much more to it than that, I grew up mainly in the city a town called Desamparados for the local Catholic virgin people worship, Virgen de los desamparados.
It is actually in this town where i first discovered my love for Video Games. My mom went on this trip to the Panamanian border where is really cheap to buy goods. There she bought our first game console the Atari 2600. Me and my brother who were like 6 and 3 years old were really compelled by this gaming console. As I remember the funny thing was that the only TV we had to play it was a 5 inch portable TV/radio combo, which we had to rig the antenna to make it work with the Atari. I remember well waking up on that December morning of Summer after She came back and seeing her playing the version of Pong that came already programed into the console and seeing that King Kong cartridge right next to it. You cannot imagine how many hours me and my brother invested playing games that I cant even remember names of except for Vanguard, King Kong, or Space Invaders.
Later on the console either broke or stopped its usefulness cycle and we moved on but i never forgot about all the good times we had with it.
I think this is good for now, next time I will write about when we got our first NES.
Javier Bustamante.